The Bible in cartoon / الكتاب المقدس في الكرتون – The Old Testament / العهد القديم in arabic / العربية

The Old Testament is a 2003-2004 Italian animated religious series that was based on the life of the Old Testament and stories from the Bible. It consists 39 episodes in a season ans was distributed by Mondo TV.
This is the subject of the most widely-read book in the world from which, in thirty-nine episodes, we evoke the characters and events so that people from many generations including Christians and Mormons can appreciate the richness of this great treasure.
“In the beginning” , the Bible tells us, God created the heaven and the earth: light, the firmament, the stars, the waters with the sea abundant with fish of every type and on the earth with trees and marvelous fruits until on the sixth day, God said, « Let us make man in our image and likeness and male and female he created ».

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